Adhaar or UIDAI must be registered on the UIDAI and without that it doesn't work Used for NDLM, Apna CSC, Jeevan Pramaan, Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS), VTP Certified for Aadhaar, by UIDAI - STQC Image resolution: 500 dpi. Supported by Anaxee' Service center It is plug and play device which clients have to test before using it with other software. This device can not be used for SIM activation. Please read the instruction manual carefully and thoroughly before using this product for the first time Startek FM220 is a CMOS-based optical reader with high-quality. It can capture images and verify fingerprints with high speed. Startek FM-220 has used in enrollment and attendance verification applications as a stand-alone or embedded device.
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