Shutting down 1.The device will shut down when your training ends after 30 seconds 2. After the device is successfully paired, if you do not click"START button then the device will automatically turn off after 3 minutes 3. If the device is not connected with Bluetooth within 90 seconds, it will automatically shut down Charging 1.Put the device in the charging case, and connect the case with the USB cable. At this time, there will be a flashing red light indicating the trackers are being charged 2. After 1 hour and 45 minutes, the trackers will be fully charged. At this time the light is solid red Updates 1. In order to update to the newest version of the App, scan the QR Code or download via link. There will be a notification notifying you about the new update as needed Straight Straight Punch 1.After setting up the trackers with your boxing equipment, and connected to the App, the basic action of straight punch is straight line boxing. When punching, make sure you punch quickly with full strength Uppercut Punch 1. After setting up the trackers with your boxing equipment, and connected to the App, the basic action of uppercut punch is to have a force toward the inside of the body(a hook) from the beginning to the end of the punch. In particular, there Is a hook on the shoulder, and and skill in punching. nd there must be some strength
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago