■ 1Pcs V-Groove Bit: The aptly named bit cuts decorative V-shaped grooves in cabinet doors, drawer faces, table legs, and wall paneling. ■ 1Pcs Core Box Bit: This is a nonpiloted router bit that cuts round-bottomed grooves. It's most often used to rout flutes in columns and vertical stiles. ■ 1Pcs Flush-Trim Bit: If you work with plastic laminate or wood veneer, then get yourself a flush-trim router bit. This straight-cutting bit has a ball-bearing pilot that permits you to trim overhanging surfaces perfectly flush with the substrate. ■ 1Pcs Cove Bit: A cove bit is essentially the opposite of a rounding-over bit. Instead of simply rounding the edge, it cuts a concave radius out of the edge. ■ 1Pcs Roman Ogee Bit: Perhaps the most popular of all edge-shaping bits, Roman ogee router bits have a distinctive profile for cutting classical decorative detailing into the edges of tabletops, picture frames, vertical stiles, and horizontal rails. ■ 4Pcs Straight-Cutting Bit: As its name implies, this bit cuts straight, square-bottomed grooves. Use this bit to cut rabbets, dadoes, and grooves for plywood cabinet backs and drawer bottoms. ■ 2Pcs Rounding-Over Bit: Use this edge-shaping bit on the edges of shelves, tabletops, chair arms, and other places where you'd like to round over a sharp edge. The bit is fitted with a ball-bearing pilot that controls the width of the cut. ■ 1Pcs 45-Degree Chamfer Bit: This edge-shaping router bit cuts a 45-degree angle, called a chamfer, into the edge of a board or panel. It's commonly used to remove square, sharp corners from shelves, picture frames, countertops, and vertical posts. A chamfer bit is also used to create V-shaped grooves between boards.
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