Are you the kind of person who is super nerdy and living your best life? Then these are the postcards for YOU. The Nerdy Life Series STEaM edition focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (with a twist!) Available in standard size (5.47" x 4.21") on 100lb one-sided Glossy Card Stock with UV Varnish. Will also include a clear resealable BOPP Cellophane non-porous bag. Included are the following postcards: -Answer [Venn Diagram of Life, The Universe, Everything = 42.] -Atom [Never trust an atom. They make up everything.] -Avocado's Number [One guacamole is equal to 6.022x10^23 guacas. It's Avocado's Number.] -Books [When I think of books, I touch my shelf.] -Can't Even [2n-1=I literally can't even.] -Energy [Energy = Milk * Cookies^2] -Fibonacci Sequins -Mitochondria [Don't be a mitochondria. Be a DO-ochondria.] -Mole-COOL -Puns [When people ask you why you make science puns: BeCAuSe I CaN ThAtS WHY.] -SArCaSm [SArCaSm: The primary elements of my personality.] -String Theory -Velociraptor [Velociraptor = Distanceraptor/Timeraptor.] -Word Nerd -You Matter [You Matter. Unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light squared... ...then you energy.]
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